About Us
Your Child Is in Great Hands

About Us
Buttercups Children's Nursery first opened its doors in 2016. We welcome all new parents and children to visit our setting before registering, allowing you and your child to meet all staff and look at our setting - including the facilities and activities we offer.
Before joining us at Buttercups we offer a home visit for your children with two members of staff - this is optional.
In addition to a home visit we also offer a free 3 hour trial session. During this session you are welcome to stay or leave your child. If you choose to leave you child then your child's key person will spend this time with your child getting to know them and building relationships with them.
Buttercups Children's Nursery vision and ethos
Our Vision
​At Buttercups Children’s Nursery we want to create a curious, nurturing, homely environment which enables children to be themselves. We want to develop an environment that promotes awe and wonder, allowing all children the opportunity to explore the curriculum that surrounds them.
Our Ethos
At Buttercups Children’s Nursery we aim to:
Provide a happy, secure, stimulating environment for all children to help them to play, learn and develop.
Provide a continually improving environment which helps children to develop to their full potential. We use our reflective practice to ensure the service we provide meets the changing needs of our children and parents.
Respect all children and families and value diversity and each child’s individuality. We aim to provide an inclusive service to everyone meeting the needs of each child.
Provide an environment where the children feel safe, at home and relaxed so that they are free to learn explore and develop in a stimulating environment to their maximum potential.
Encourage our children to respect themselves and others and engage in positive risk-taking and decision making building their self-confidence and self-esteem.
Encourage children to be responsible for themselves and actions and become confident in making decisions and developing their independence.
Hold British values at the heart of what we do - we teach children about respect, tolerance, boundaries and about embracing each other’s individuality.
We are committed to meeting the needs of our parents by:
Listening to their views and responding to those by letting them impact on the service we provide.
Sharing their child’s development and learning involving them in this process.
Working closely alongside our parents so that they are part of their child’s care, Creative positive open relationships with them
Making sure that we work alongside parents so that the children gain the most effective experience from the services we provide.
We are committed to meeting the needs of our staff by:
Offering opportunities for reflection and continued professional development through training, supervision staff meeting, peer observations etc.
Providing a supportive working environment where staff support each other.
Ensure that all our staff have the opportunity to build up good parent partnership through trail sessions, tapestry, daily dairies, parents evening and open sessions.
Offering an open door policy between all staff and management.

Here at Buttercups we use an online Children's Diary system called Blossom to give you a window into your child's day.
This allows parents to download the Blossom app from their app store so they can see observations of their child during their time at nursery and also share information of things they have been doing at home.
This is a great way to communicate with parents.
Buttercups Children's Nursery ensures that all children attending the setting have their own Learning Journey which records observations, videos and photos in-line with the Early Years Foundation Stage including the 7 areas of learning.
The prime areas: Personal, Social and emotional development, Physical development, Communication and Language.
The specific areas: Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding of the World, Expressive arts and design.
This then enables us to plan for each child’s future development.
Key person / Buddy system
All children attending Buttercups Children's Nursery will be allocated a key person.
Your child's key person will build a special responsibility for your child during their time at nursery.
The key person will spend time helping them become familiar with the nursery and develop a unique bond with you and your child, giving them extra support to help them settle in and feel safe and secure in their new surroundings.
The key person will record your child’s progress and development with us at nursery via Blossom. These observations will be shared with you, we encourage parents/carers to work in partnership with our staff and share their child's learning and development at home.
Each key person has a staff member who doubles up as their buddy. In your child’s Key person’s absence their buddy will take over their role by supporting you and your child.

All about me / Trial sessions
Before your child starts at Buttercups we will ask you to fill out all applications form including the “All about me” form, this gives us a better understanding of your child's individual needs.
This allows your child’s key person to get to know your child and your family before they join us at Buttercups.
We also encourage children to attend trial sessions before they start nursery - these will be based on your child's needs and we are flexible with how we offer these.
We offer 3 hours free of charge for the settling in process.
Every child has the opportunity of learning through play. This is individually planned and linked to each child's next steps, to progress their learning and development.
Your child’s key person will understand your child's individual needs and will plan activities and experiences that are enjoyable and challenging for them.
Observations are then shared via tapestry for you to see and comment on.

2 Year old progress check
Between the age of 2 and 3 we will review your child’s progress and provide parents/carers with a written summary highlighting achievements and areas in which extra support might be needed.
Parents can share this progress check with health visitors (who can use it as part of the health and development review).
Parents can share this progress check with health visitors (who can use it as part of the health and development review).
In addition to this, every term all key persons complete a report for each child which parents can access via Tapestry.
We also hold a parents evening which gives parents the opportunity to speak to their child's key person and discuss children's progress and development.